One Command Solution:

Copy, run and have fun!

cd && git clone -v && cd lrzip && sudo dnf install gcc glibc-headers gcc-c++ automake libtool zlib-devel bzip2-libs bzip2-devel libpq-devel lzo-devel doxygen make -y && ./ && make && sudo make install

Installing and compiling lrzip under Fedora Workstation

If you want to install lrzip for compression reasons, you have to compile it under Fedora 31, respective Fedora Workstation. There is no rpm Package for easy dnf install.

Compressing Methods that are implemented in lrzip

lzma - default compression
bzip2 - de facto standard compression under linux
gzip  - compression using zlib
lzo - compression (ultra fast)
zpaq - ultra compression for eternity

So, lets compile and install lrzip

First, we have to install via dnf all needed packages:

sudo dnf install gcc glibc-headers gcc-c++ automake libtool zlib-devel bzip2-libs bzip2-devel libpq-devel lzo-devel doxygen make

Copy that to your Terminal and execute it, install all needed Packages for lrzip.
Clone the git repo to get the source code: (put it where you want, best in you /home/[username])

git clone -v; cd lrzip

Now, we have to configure/create a Makefile: (non-root)


Start compiling lrzip: (non-root)


After all, install lrzip

sudo make install

Done 😉 You compiled lrzip and installed it on a Fedora 31 Workstation.


How to install lrzip on Fedora 31 Workstation
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