One Command Solution:

Copy, run and have fun!

wget && tar xf openldap-2.4.50.tgz && cd openldap-2.4.50/ && apt install libdb-dev libsasl2-dev libltdl-dev -y && ./configure && make -j 8 depend && make -j 8 && make install

Installing and compiling openldap 2.4.50 under Ubuntu aarch64 or Raspbian

First, we have to install via apt all needed packages:

apt install libdb-dev libsasl2-dev libltdl-dev -y

Copy that to your Terminal and execute it, install all needed Packages for openldap 2.4.50.
Download and untar the openldap 2.4.50 tar file:

wget && tar xf openldap-2.4.50.tgz

Now, we have to configure/create a Makefile: (non-root)


Start compiling openldap 2.4.50: (non-root)

make depend 
make -j 8

After all, install openldap on Ubuntu aarch64 and Raspbian

sudo make install

Done 😉 You compiled openldap and installed it on Ubuntu aarch64 or Raspbian.


How to compile openldap 2.4.50 on Raspbian/Ubuntu aarch64 | Raspberry Pi 4
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